Monday, January 28, 2008


This is my diary entry from yesterday:

"OWWW.. stupid gout. This transformation thing is not going to work without a full (health) makeover. OWWWW!! I think I’m taking the day off tomorrow!!!!"

For those of you who do not know what gout is I present this:

"gout - [gout] – noun 1. an acute, recurrent disease characterized by painful inflammation of the joints, chiefly those in the feet and hands, and esp. in the great toe, and by an excess of uric acid in the blood."

Yes, yes I couldn't move and forget about sleeping. My gout was so bad I wasn't sure that I wanted my foot anymore. So I hopped my way to the car, got in and drove myself to the hospital (for those that were wondering it was my left foot that was hurting), got a needle in the ass, and now I'm much better. Anyway, I looked like a complete fool, in my Stewey PJs and Homer "slippers". Pain can be a big wake-up call, so I decided that enough is enough and I have to take better care of my health. Here's a picture of myself in my "hospital outfit"... It was just too funny.. I had to share!


Ammaro said...

salamat... you cant eat meat now, right? thats gotta suck...

Abdulla said...

Well Ammar it's not only meat, it's meat, many types of fish, tomatoes, peas, all beans, mushrooms, cauliflower, spinach and the list goes on. Basically I'm supposed to be a rabbit for a while. :P

SillyBahrainiGirl said...

Bas gout?

Remember how many times you told me: Way3ah???

SillyBahrainiGirl said...

before you attack me...
I would like to add: Salamat and ma etchoof shar .. and all those lies!

Abdulla said...

Just to keep everyone on the same line "linguistically" I would like to translate what sillybahrainigirl said..

In her first comment she was telling me off.. and in the second, and only because I told her off online, she was asking me to get better.. "and all those lies!".. lol..